Unreal Tournament 2004 Console

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Open Console

To open the command console, within the game press the '~' key (located above the TAB key and below ESC). Graphicriver pencil sketch photoshop action download free.

Administrator commands

In game console commands for player bots statistics demo video recording. Home » Games » Unreal Tournament 2004 » Guides » Console Commands. Unreal Tournament 2004 Cheats. PC Submitted by GamesRadar. Press in game to bring down the console, or press TAB for the quick console. KillAll - Kill everything of the given class.

Adminlogin (password)Register the administrator on the server
Adminlogout (password)Close the administrator session
Admin switchlevel (mapname? Game = gametype? Mutator = mutator)Change the server to a map / game type / mutator
Admin (command)Run a command
Kick (playername)Kick a player from the server
Kickban (playername)Kick and ban the player from the server


Mem statShow Windows memory usage
Stat allDisplays all stats
Stat audioShow all stats
Stat fpsDisplays average and current frames per second
Stat gameShows game statistics
Stat hardwareShows hardware statistics
Stat netShows net statistics (ping etc)
Stat noneEliminates the statistics screen
Stat renderShow rendering statistics

Player commands / bot control

Add bots (number)Add (X) number of bots
Behindview 1Changes to third person view
Behindview 0Changes to first person view
DisconnectIt disconnects from the server
ReconnectReconnect to the last server
QuitQuit the game
KillbotsEliminate bots
Switchlevel (mapname)Changes to the named map
Open (mapname)Open named map
SwitchteamChange the players team
SuicideKill the player
Teamsay (text)Talk only to your teammates
PlayersonlyFreeze bots
Say (text)Message to all players
Setname (name)Change the name

Misc. Commands

Demorec (demo name)Record a demo (n/a until patch)
Demoplay (demo name)Play a demo (n/a to patch)
StopdemoStop playing a demo (n/a until patch)
ShowhudShow HUD on/off
Brightness (number)Increase/decrease brightness according to number
Contrast (number)Increase/decrease the contrast according to the number
Gamma (number)Change the gamma level to a certain number
Cdtrack (number)Plays the track number of the named CD
ConfighashShows configuration information
Contrast (number)Increase/decrease the contrast according to the number
Debug crashTry blocking the game with an error
Debug eatmemTests memory allocation until it fills up
DebugGPF produces a general protection fault error
Debug recurseLock test using infinite recursion
Exec (filename)Execute a file in the UT2003/system directory
FlushClear all caches and turn back on
FOV (number)Change the field of view to a certain number
DumpcacheClear the contents of the cache
GetcolodepthsDisplays the maximum color depth supported by the hardware
GetcurrentcolordepthsShows current color depth
GetcurrentresShow current resolution
GetcurrenttickrateShows the current tick rate
GetmaxtickrateShows the maximum tick rate
Musicorder (number)Changes in a certain track of the song (0 = atmosphere 1 = action 2 = suspense)
Netspeed (number)Set net speed (default = 10000)
Obj classesDisplays a list of object classes.
Obj garbageCollect and purge items that are not in use.
Obj hashShow object hash statistics
Obj linkersShow the list of active linkers
PausesoundsPause all sounds
UnpausesoundsTurn off all sounds
PreferencesOpen advanced settings (disabled in retail game)
RelaunchCopy current game report to clipboard
Set (class variable value)Sets the specified class and variable with a named value
Setsensitivity (number)Sets mouse sensitivity to X
Setres (WidthxHeightxColordepth)Sets the screen resolution to a specific width / height / color depth
Slomo 1Set the game speed to normal
Slomo 2Set the game speed to double: increase the number to go faster
Slomo .5Set the game speed to half - Decrease the number to slow down
SocketsShow the list of sockets in use
TogglefullscreenChange full screen mode (in Windows, press ALT + ENTER as well)
Type (text)Displays the specified text in the console

Cheat Codes

God ToggleGod mode
AmphibiousBreathing under water
FlyFlight mode
GhostWalk through the walls
WalkReturn walking to normality
InvisibleEnable or disable invisibility (true / false)
TeleportTeleport to where your crosshairs are pointing
AllammoFull ammo on all weapons owned
AllweaponsGive all the weapons
LoadedGive all weapons and full ammo (all ammo and all weapons combo)
SkipMatchWin the current game and move up the ladder.
JumpMatchJump to a specific match on the ladder, where there is a number. For example 43 for stair 4, step 3
ChangeSizeChange player size by factor # (i.e. 0.25 or 2.0)
LockCameraToggle locking the camera at its current position
FreeCameraD-link the rotation of the actor's camera.
ViewSelfReset the camera to see the player (true for silent mode, false for sound)
ViewBotSwipe the camera over visible bots
ViewFlagSee the current actor carrying the flag.
ViewPlayerChange camera view to assigned player
ViewActorChange camera view to assigned actor
ViewClassChange camera view to assigned class
KillViewedActorKill the actor the camera is currently viewing. Do not kill yourself! (The game will get stuck)
AvatarOwn a pawn of the assigned class
SummonInvoke the assigned object
SetCameraDistSets the distance the camera has from your target
SetGravityChange gravitational attraction
SetJumpZChange the jump height
SetSpeedMultiply the player's speed of water and ground with the given value
ListDynamicActorsOutput of all dynamic actors to the log file
FreezeFramePause the game for the specified time
SetFogRSets the red color component of the mist
SetFogGSets the green color component of the mist
SetFogBSets the blue color component of the mist
SetFlashSet the duration it takes for a screen flash to disappear
CauseEventActivate the assigned event
LogSciptedSequencesToggle record for all scripted sequences
KillPawnsKill all the pawns except the player.
KillAllKill everything in the assigned class i.e. KillAll Pawn
KillAllPawnsKill all the pawns of the assigned class
PlayersOnlyChange the level to a player-only level
CheatViewToggle to see the given actor
WriteToLogEnter the string 'NOW!' to game registration
ReviewJumpSpotsJump test, parameter can be 'Transloc', 'Jump', 'Combo' or 'LowGrav'
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Console Commands Cheats

To use console commands, press '~' while in game. Then type one of the following commands:

Unlock with watch. Cheat Codes

    ALLAMMO - Gives full ammo for all weapons
    ALLWEAPONS - Gives you all weapons
    FLY - You can fly around
    GHOST - Noclip through walls
    GOD - God Mode
    LOADED - Gives all weapons, ammo, and 100 adrenaline
    TELEPORT - Teleport to a random spot in the map
    WALK - You stop flying

Player Bot Commands Activision customer support number.

    ADDBOTS [number] - Adds the specified number of bots
    BEHINDVIEW 1 - Changes to third person view
    BEHINDVIEW 0 - Changes to first person view
    DISCONNECT - Disconnect from current server
    EXIT - Quits the game
    KILLBOTS - Gets rid of all bots
    OPEN [IP address] - Connect to a specific server IP
    OPEN [mapname] - Opens specified map
    QUIT - Quits the game
    RECONNECT - Reconnect to the current server
    SWITCHLEVEL [mapname] - Switches to the specified level
    SWITCHTEAM - Switch your player's team
    SUICIDE - Kills yourself
    TEAMSAY [text] - Displays your message in team chat
    PLAYERSONLY - Freezes pauses the bots
    SAY [text] - Displays your message in global chat
    SETNAME [playername] - Changes your player name


    MEMSTAT - Displays Windows memory usage
    STAT ALL - Shows all stats
    STAT AUDIO - Shows audio stats
    STAT FPS - Displays your frames per second
    STAT GAME - Displays game stats
    STAT HARDWARE - Shows hardware stats
    STAT NET - Shows network game play stats
    STAT NONE - Turns off all stats
    STAT RENDER - Displays rendering statistics

Demo Commands

    DEMOPLAY [demoname] - Plays the specified demo
    DEMOREC [demoname] - Records a demo using the demoname you type
    STOPDEMO - Stop recording a demo

Admin Commands

    ADMIN SWITCHLEVEL [mapname?game=gametype?mutator=mutator] - Changes the current level to the specified level, game type and mutators
    ADMIN [command] - Performs the specified command
    ADMINLOGIN [password] - Logs the admininstrator onto the server using the specified password
    ADMINLOGOUT - Logs the administrator off the server.
    ADMIN SET UWeb.Webserver bEnabled True - Enables the remote admin webserver (after level change)
    ADMIN SET UWeb.Webserver bEnabled False - Disables the remote admin webserver (after level change)
    KICK [playername] - Kicks the specified player from the server
    KICKBAN [playername] - Kicks and bans the specified player from the server using their IP address. To unban the player, edit the server.ini or use the web admin interface

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    BRIGHTNESS [number] - Changes the brightness level to the specified number
    CDTRACK [number] - Plays the specified CD track number
    CONFIGHASH - Displays configuration info
    CONTRAST [number] - Changes the contrast level to the specified number
    DEBUG CRASH - Test crashes the game with an error
    DEBUG EATMEM - Tests memory allocation until full
    DEBUG GPF - Test crashes the game with a general protection fault error
    DEBUG RECURSE - Test crashes the game by infinite recursion
    DUMPCACHE - Displays the memory gcache contents
    EXEC [filename] - Executes a file in the UT2003 /system/ directory by default
    FLUSH - Flushes all caches and relights
    FOV [number] - Changes the field of view to the specified number
    FIXEDVISIBILITY - For use when testing your own level. Fixes the engine's visibility from your current point of view. You can then walk around and see exactly what is being drawn, check that antiportals are working etc. Enter it again to turn it off.
    GAMMA [number] - Changes the gamma level to the specified number
    GETCOLORDEPTHS - Displays the maximum color depth supported by your hardware
    GETCURRENTCOLORDEPTHS - Displays your current color depth
    GETCURRENTRES - Displays your current resolution
    GETCURRENTTICKRATE - Displays your current tick rate
    GETMAXTICKRATE - Displays the maximum allowed tick rate
    MUSICORDER [number] - Change to a certain track in the song (0=ambient, 1=action, 2=suspense)
    NETSPEED [number] - Sets the net speed, default is 10000
    OBJ CLASSES - Displays a list of object classes
    OBJ GARBAGE - Collects and purges objects no longer in use
    OBJ HASH - Displays object hashing statistics
    OBJ LINKERS - Displays a list of active linkers
    PAUSESOUNDS - Pauses all sounds
    PREFERENCES - Opens advanced settings
    RELAUNCH - Relaunches the engine
    RENDEREMULATE [gf1/gf2] - Lets you see how your level will look on different cards (ex. if some of your shaders are too complicated and don't have fallbacks).
    REPORT - Copies a report of the current game to clipboard
    SET [class variable value] - Sets a specified class and specified variable with the specified value
    SETSENSITIVITY [number] - Sets the mouse sensitivity to the specified number
    SETRES [WxHxD] - Sets your screen resolution to the specified width, height, and color depth
    SLOMO 1 - Sets the speed of the game back to normal real time speed
    SLOMO 2 - Sets speed to double. Increase number to go faster
    SLOMO .5 - Sets speed to half. Decrease number to go slower
    SOCKETS - Displays a list of sockets in use
    TOGGLEFULLSCREEN - Toggles fullscreen mode
    TYPE [text] - Displays the specified text on the console
    UNPAUSESOUNDS - Un-pauses all sounds

Unreal tournament 2004 controller support

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Unreal Tournament 2004 Controller Support

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